If you are concerned with making eco-friendly choices in your home and work-place, it might be worth giving solid surfacing some consideration. DuPont in particular is working hard to make Corian® a “green” alternative to other counters and work surfaces, for example, by ensuring Corian® counters have low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions, making for better indoor air quality.
Corian® (a mix between natural mineral and acrylic resin) is also extremely durable, giving it a very long “life cycle” which in turn means less waste and material use. If scratched or damaged, Corian® is easy to repair (gently) – again extending the lifespan of your counters.
Even better; once used counters can be heated, re-shaped and re-used. Or even reduced to dust to start the whole process again – making them completely recyclable.
Another example is LG Hausys, which has been practicing sustainable design for 60 years – long before it became “fashionable” to care. HI-MACS® is a good example of their commitment to eco-friendly practices and renewable building materials. To find out more about their “green” processes and initiatives visit http://www.lghimacsusa.com/pages/25/environmental%20priority